How to Reset the Apple Watch (For All Models)

Close-up of a black Apple Watch with a black band, resting on a dark surface. The image highlights the sleek and minimalist design of the smartwatch.

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    If you're reading this, chances are your Apple Watch is acting a little wonky, or maybe you're looking to pass it on to a friend, family member, or sell it. That means it's time for a reset, basically a clean slate for your Apple Watch.

    Let me assure you, resetting your Apple Watch isn't as scary as it sounds. It's actually pretty straightforward, and I'm here to guide you through the whole process, no matter which model you own – from the OG Series 0 to the latest and greatest.

    The good news is there are a few different ways to reset your Apple Watch, depending on your specific situation and what you have access to.

    Don't worry, though, we're gonna walk through all of them together, step by step. By the end of this, you'll be a master at resetting your Apple Watch, no matter what model you have or what situation you're facing. Let's get started.

    How to Backup Your Apple Watch

    An Apple Watch with a red band resting on the keyboard of a MacBook. The watch screen is lit up, displaying various app icons, with a red glow illuminating the scene.

    Okay, before we dive into the actual resetting process, let's talk about something crucial: backing up your Apple Watch. I know, backups aren't the most exciting thing, but trust me, it's worth taking a few minutes to do this before you wipe your watch clean.

    Think of your Apple Watch data like a collection of photos, messages, health data, and customized settings that you've carefully curated. You wouldn't want to lose all of that, would you? That's where backups come in.

    Here's the good news: Apple has made it pretty simple to back up your Apple Watch. Your watch automatically backs up its data to your paired iPhone, and you can then ensure that this backup is securely stored in your iCloud or on your computer.

    How to Back Up Your Apple Watch to iCloud

    It's a pretty straightforward process:

    1. Enable iCloud Backup

      On your iPhone, go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud > iCloud Backup and make sure it's turned on.

    2. Connect to Wi-Fi and Power

      Your iPhone needs to be connected to Wi-Fi and a power source (like a charger) for iCloud Backup to work.

    3. Manual Backup

      You can force a backup right now by going to Settings > [your name] > iCloud > iCloud Backup and tapping Back Up Now.

    How to Back Up Your Apple Watch to Your Computer

    Prefer to back up to your computer? Here's how:

    1. Connect iPhone to Computer

      Use a USB cable to connect your iPhone to your computer.

    2. Select Device

      Open iTunes (on macOS Mojave or earlier) or Finder (on macOS Catalina or later). Find your iPhone and select it.

    3. Start Backup

      Click Back Up Now. If you want to back up Health and Activity data, be sure to check the "Encrypt local backup" option.

    Once you've backed up, double-check that everything went smoothly. You can see your iCloud backups in Settings > [your name] > iCloud > Manage Account Storage > Backups. For computer backups, you'll find them in iTunes or Finder.

    What Happens When You Reset

    Keep in mind that resetting your Apple Watch erases everything on it! This includes your personal settings, saved data (like health and activity info), and any apps you've downloaded.

    It's like getting a brand new watch, but without the new watch smell. This is precisely why backing up is so essential. It ensures that even after a reset, you can restore your watch to its previous state with all your personalized settings and data intact.

    Alright, now that you've got your backup sorted, let's move on to the different ways you can reset your Apple Watch.

    How to Soft Reset (Forced Restart) Your Apple Watch

    A person adjusting their Apple Watch with a white band on their wrist. The watch screen shows the time as 5:42 and displays weather information.

    Let's kick things off with the simplest type of reset: the soft reset, or what most of us just call a forced restart. This is your go-to move for those minor, everyday hiccups.

    You know, those times when your watch freezes up, apps start acting wonky, or the screen becomes unresponsive. It's kind of like when your computer gets a little sluggish, and a quick restart usually does the trick.

    The beauty of a soft reset is that it doesn't erase any of your data or settings. It simply shuts everything down and then powers back up, giving your watch a chance to clear out any temporary glitches that might be causing problems. It's a quick and easy fix that can save you a lot of frustration.

    Now, here's how you do it. It's pretty straightforward, really:

    1. Locate the Buttons

      Find the side button (the one below the Digital Crown) and the Digital Crown itself.

    2. Press and Hold

      Press and hold both buttons simultaneously. Don't just tap them – you need to hold them down for a few seconds.

    3. Wait for the Apple Logo

      After a few seconds, you'll see the screen go black, and then the Apple logo will appear. This means the reset is complete.

    4. Release the Buttons

      You can now let go of the buttons, and your watch will boot up as usual.

    That's it! Your Apple Watch should be back to its normal, responsive self. This soft reset method works across all Apple Watch models, so whether you're rocking the latest Series or an older model, the process is the same.

    Keep in mind, though, that a soft reset isn't a magic solution for every problem. If your watch is experiencing more serious issues, like constantly crashing apps or problems with its hardware, a soft reset might not cut it.

    But for those minor annoyances, it's a quick and painless fix that can get you back to using your watch without any hassle.

    Let's move on to some other reset methods for those trickier situations, or when you wish to sell your Apple Watch or simply give it to someone else.

    How to Reset from Your Apple Watch

    A close-up of an Apple Watch with a blue band and a red accent on the digital crown, set against a dark background, showcasing its sleek design.

    Alright, so a soft reset didn't do the trick? Your Apple Watch is still throwing a fit? Okay, no worries, we're moving on to the next level: resetting directly from your Apple Watch itself.

    This is the method you'll want to use when your watch is still functional enough to navigate its menus but is acting up in more significant ways than a simple restart can fix. Maybe you're experiencing persistent software glitches, battery drain issues, or other problems that just won't go away.

    Think of this as a factory reset for your watch. It wipes the slate clean, restoring the watch to its original, out-of-the-box state. This means all your data, settings, and apps will be erased – which is why it's so important to back up your watch beforehand (you did remember to do that, right?).

    Here's the step-by-step process:

    1. Open Settings

      On your watch face, press the Digital Crown to go to the home screen. Tap on the Settings icon (it looks like a gear).

    2. Navigate to General

      Scroll down in the Settings menu and tap on "General."

    3. Select Reset

      Scroll down again to the bottom of the General menu and tap on "Reset."

    4. Erase All Content and Settings

      You'll see a few options here, but the one we want is "Erase All Content and Settings." Tap on it.

    5. Confirm and Enter Passcode

      Your watch will ask you to confirm that you really want to erase everything. If you have a passcode set up, you'll also need to enter it.

    6. Wait for the Reset

      Now, just be patient. The reset process can take a few minutes, so don't panic if your watch appears to be frozen.

      Once it's done, it'll restart and you'll be greeted with the initial setup screen, just like when you first got the watch.

    Now, you have a couple of options here. You can either set up your watch as new, or you can restore it from the backup you made earlier. If you choose to restore, your watch will be back to how it was before the reset, with all your data and settings intact.

    Please keep in mind that this reset method is only an option if your watch is still working well enough to access the Settings menu. If your watch is completely frozen or unresponsive, don't worry – there are still ways to reset it, and we'll cover those next.

    How to Reset Your Apple Watch from a Paired iPhone

    Front and back view of the iPhone 15 mockup against a black background. The front screen displays the text ‘iPhone 15 mockups’, and the back shows the triple-camera setup.

    Let's say your Apple Watch is being a little more stubborn. Maybe it's frozen solid, the screen's gone dark, or it's just not responding to any taps or button presses. Don't panic just yet, though! We've still got another ace up our sleeve: resetting your watch through your paired iPhone.

    This is a super handy method when your watch is still connected to your iPhone via Bluetooth, but you can't actually interact with the watch itself.

    The process is pretty simple, but again, before we do anything, make sure your watch is backed up to your iPhone. I can't stress this enough, folks. Backups are like cheat codes for life – they save you when things go wrong.

    Once you've confirmed your backup, grab your iPhone and follow these steps:

    1. Open the Apple Watch App

      Find the Apple Watch app on your iPhone's home screen (it's the one with the Apple Watch icon, surprisingly enough).

    2. Go to My Watch

      Tap on the "My Watch" tab at the bottom of the screen.

    3. Navigate to General

      Scroll down in the My Watch menu and tap on "General."

    4. Select Reset

      Scroll all the way down to the bottom and tap on "Reset."

    5. Erase Apple Watch Content and Settings

      Tap on "Erase Apple Watch Content and Settings."

    6. Confirm and Enter Apple ID Password

      You'll be asked to confirm that you want to erase your watch and enter your Apple ID password. This is just to make sure it's really you who's doing the resetting.

    After you confirm, your iPhone will work its magic and remotely erase your Apple Watch. You'll see a progress bar on your iPhone screen, and once it's complete, your watch will restart and go through the initial setup process.

    From there, you can either set it up as a new watch or restore it from the backup you made earlier. If you choose to restore, all your data and settings will be back on your wrist in no time.

    Now, here's a pro tip: if your watch isn't showing up in the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, try bringing them closer together. Sometimes a weak Bluetooth connection can cause them to lose track of each other. If that doesn't work, you might need to restart both your iPhone and your watch.

    How to Reset Your Apple Watch without an iPhone or a Passcode

    An Apple Watch with a black band, displaying a passcode entry screen, photographed against a plain, light background.

    Alright, now for the trickiest scenario: you've lost your paired iPhone, or maybe you've just completely forgotten your Apple Watch passcode. It's a bit of a sticky situation, but don't worry, you're not completely out of luck. You can still reset your Apple Watch, even without your phone or knowing your passcode.

    This method is like the nuclear option – it completely wipes your watch clean, but it also means you lose access to any data that wasn't backed up. Again, I can't stress enough how important it is to have a recent backup, folks. It's your digital safety net.

    But if you're in a bind, here's how to reset your Apple Watch without your iPhone or passcode:

    1. Charge It Up

      First things first, make sure your Apple Watch is on its charger and connected to power. You don't want the battery to die in the middle of the reset process.

    2. Power Off Menu

      Press and hold the side button (the one below the Digital Crown) until you see the Power Button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

    3. Hidden Reset Option

      Now, this is where it gets a little tricky. Don't tap on the Power Button. Instead, press and hold the Digital Crown. Keep holding it down for a few seconds, even if nothing seems to be happening.

    4. Erase All Content and Settings

      After a few seconds, you'll see a new option pop up on the screen: "Erase all content and settings."

    5. Confirm

      Tap on "Erase all content and settings" and confirm your choice.

    6. Wait It Out

      Your watch will now begin the reset process. This might take a little while, so be patient. Once it's finished, your watch will restart, and you'll be back to the initial setup screen.

    Now, this method isn't ideal. Not only do you lose any unbacked-up data, but if your watch has Activation Lock enabled (which it likely does if you're using Find My iPhone), you'll need to enter your Apple ID and password to reactivate it after the reset. So, this is really a last resort option when you have no other choice.

    If you're able to, I highly recommend trying the other reset methods we've covered first. They're much easier and less disruptive. But if you're in a pinch, this method can still get the job done.

    By the way, if you want to learn more about how to unlock your Apple Watch without a passcode and possibly without resetting, check out my comprehensive guide.

    How to Reset an Apple Watch with Cellular

    A close-up of an Apple Watch with a blue band, highlighting the digital crown with a red ring, set against a dark background.

    If you've got a cellular Apple Watch, you've got an extra decision to make when you reset it: what to do with your cellular plan?

    You've got two options:

    1. Keep Your Plan

      This is the way to go if you plan on pairing your watch with the same iPhone again or another iPhone you own.

    2. Remove Your Plan

      Choose this option if you're selling or giving away your watch or switching to a different carrier.

    Apple makes it easy to choose during the reset process. Whether you're resetting from the watch itself or your iPhone, you'll be prompted to decide whether to keep or remove your cellular plan. Choose wisely, and if you're unsure, your carrier can usually help you figure out the best option.

    How to Set Up Your Apple Watch Again

    A Nike edition Apple Watch with a perforated band, displaying the time as 05:54 and various fitness metrics, set on a surface with a wavy pattern, presented in black and white.

    You've successfully reset your Apple Watch. Congrats! Now, what's next? Well, you've got two main options:

    1. Set Up as New

    This is exactly what it sounds like. Your watch is a blank canvas, ready for you to personalize it however you want. You'll go through the initial setup process, choosing your language, region, connecting to Wi-Fi, and setting up Apple Pay (if you use it). You'll have to re-download any apps you want and customize your watch faces from scratch.

    Think of it like getting a brand new Apple Watch, but without the unboxing experience. If you're looking for a fresh start, or if you plan on selling or giving away your watch, this is the way to go.

    2. Restore from Backup

    This is where that backup we talked about earlier comes in handy. If you backed up your Apple Watch before resetting it, you can restore all your data and settings, basically picking up right where you left off.

    Here's how to do it:

    1. Choose Restore

      When your watch restarts after the reset, you'll see the option to either set it up as new or restore from a backup. Tap on "Restore from Backup."

    2. Select Backup

      Your watch will show you a list of available backups. Choose the most recent one (or whichever one you want to restore from).

    3. Enter Apple ID Password

      You'll be asked to enter your Apple ID password to confirm the restore.

    4. Wait for Restore

      Now, sit back and relax. Your watch will begin restoring from the backup. This might take some time, depending on how much data you have.

    Once the restore is complete, your watch will restart, and you'll be back to your familiar watch faces, apps, and settings. It's like the reset never happened, except now your watch should be running more smoothly.

    Which Option Should You Choose?

    The best option for you depends on your situation. If you're troubleshooting a problem, starting fresh can sometimes be the best way to eliminate any lingering software issues. If you're getting rid of the watch, then setting it up as new is the only way to go.

    But if you just want a quick fix or to clear up some storage space, restoring from a backup is the quickest and easiest way to get back to using your watch.

    Why Is My Apple Watch Not Resetting?

    An Apple Watch with a pink band and a black screen, photographed against a minimalistic, light background.

    Alright, so you've followed all the steps, but your Apple Watch reset isn't going as planned? Maybe it's stuck on the Apple logo, the progress bar isn't moving, or it's just not responding at all. It's frustrating, I know, but before you throw your watch out the window, let's try a few troubleshooting tips.

    What to Do If the Reset Gets Stuck

    1. Force Restart

    Try force restarting your watch. This can sometimes clear up more stubborn glitches. To do this, press and hold both the side button and the Digital Crown for about 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo.

    2. Check the Charger

    Make sure your watch is securely connected to its charger and that the charger itself is plugged in and working.

    3. Wait It Out

    Sometimes, the reset process can take longer than expected, especially if you have a lot of data on your watch. Give it some time (up to an hour) before assuming it's stuck.

    4. Try Again

    If the reset still isn't working, try repeating the steps for the specific reset method you're using. Sometimes, a second attempt can do the trick.

    How to Contact Apple Support

    If you've tried all the troubleshooting tips and your watch is still acting up, it's time to call in the experts. Apple Support is there to help you with any issues you're having. You can reach them through their website, the Apple Support app, or by calling them directly.

    When you contact Apple Support, be ready to provide them with information about your watch, such as the model, serial number (you can find this in the Apple Watch app on your iPhone), and a detailed description of the problem you're experiencing. The more information you can give them, the better equipped they'll be to help you.

    And don't worry, Apple Support is generally pretty helpful and knowledgeable. They can walk you through additional troubleshooting steps or even arrange for a repair if needed. So don't hesitate to reach out if you're stuck – they're there to help you get your Apple Watch back to its best.

    One Final Note: If you're having trouble resetting your Apple Watch due to a forgotten passcode or lost iPhone, Apple Support might require proof of purchase or other information to verify that you're the owner of the device. This is just a security measure to prevent unauthorized resets.

    I hope these troubleshooting tips help you get your Apple Watch back on track.

    How to Unpair Your Apple Watch

    A person’s hand holding an Apple Watch with a black metal band, showing an analog watch face, with a soft, textured fabric background.

    So, maybe you're not just resetting your watch, but you're also looking to part ways with it entirely. Whether you're selling it, giving it to a friend, or just upgrading to a newer model, it's crucial to unpair your Apple Watch from your iPhone before you hand it over.

    Why? Well, when your watch and phone are paired, they share data and settings, and your watch is linked to your Apple ID. Unpairing breaks this connection, ensuring your personal information stays safe and the new owner can set up the watch with their own account.

    It's pretty easy to do:

    1. Bring them close

      Keep your Apple Watch and iPhone close together (like, within a few inches).

    2. Open the Apple Watch App

      Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone and go to the "My Watch" tab.

    3. Tap on Your Watch

      At the top, you'll see your watch's name. Tap on “All Watches” right above it.

    4. Unpair Apple Watch

      Tap the little "i" icon next to your watch's name, then tap "Unpair Apple Watch."

    5. Confirm

      You'll be asked to confirm and enter your Apple ID password.

    And that's it! Your Apple Watch is now unpaired and ready for its next adventure.

    Wrapping Up

    Alright, that's the rundown on resetting your Apple Watch. Hopefully, this guide has demystified the process and given you the confidence to tackle any issues that come your way.

    Resetting your watch isn't always the first solution, but it's a powerful tool to have in your arsenal for troubleshooting, starting fresh, or preparing your watch for a new owner.

    As with anything tech-related, don't be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you. Each reset method has its own purpose, so choose the one that fits your situation.

    And hey, if you've got any questions, comments, or maybe even some Apple Watch reset stories of your own, hit me up in the comments below. I always love hearing from you guys.

    If you found this guide helpful, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for more tech tips, reviews, and insights. I'll keep you updated on all the latest gadgets and trends, so you can stay ahead of the curve.

    And as always, thanks a lot for reading!


    • Resetting your Apple Watch erases all your data, settings, and apps, restoring it to its factory settings. It's like getting a brand new watch.

    • Absolutely! It's crucial to back up your Apple Watch before resetting it. This way, you can restore your data and settings after the reset, so you don't lose anything important.

    • Your Apple Watch automatically backs up to your paired iPhone. You can then back up your iPhone to iCloud or your computer to ensure that your Apple Watch data is safe.

    • Yes, you can reset your Apple Watch even if you've forgotten your passcode. You'll need to use the reset method that doesn't require a paired iPhone or passcode. However, this method will erase all data that hasn't been backed up.

    • The time it takes to reset an Apple Watch varies depending on the model and the amount of data you have. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour.

    • If your Apple Watch gets stuck during the reset, try force restarting it. If that doesn't work, contact Apple Support for assistance.

    • Yes, you can. There's a reset method that doesn't require a paired iPhone, but you will need to have your Apple ID and password handy to reactivate it afterward.

    • A soft reset (or forced restart) simply restarts your Apple Watch, which can fix minor glitches. A factory reset, on the other hand, erases all your data and settings, returning the watch to its original state.

    • Yes, you should unpair your Apple Watch before selling or giving it away. This removes your personal information from the device and allows the new owner to set it up with their own account.



    Tobias Holm

    Hey everyone, Tobias here, taking you on a unique journey through the tech landscape with a perspective you won't find just anywhere.

    Alongside my tech enthusiasm, I bring insights from my study of psychology and am on the brink of completing my law studies, providing a unique backdrop to how I view technology – not just as a collection of gadgets and software, but as an integral part of our daily lives and various professions.

    My versatility doesn't stop there – as a freelancer in writing, proofreading, and translating, I ensure each blog post is crafted with precision and clarity, making complex topics accessible to everyone.

    Plus, for those of you who love music as much as I do, check out my YouTube channel where I share my journey as a seasoned pianist.

    Thank you so much for reading – enjoy! :)

    How to Unpair the Apple Watch (For All Models)


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